Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I had really enjoyed watching these videos that were posted.
I like how they showed how technology was implemented in the
classrooms and how they always had an idea on how to
implement them into a lesson plan. The technology brought all
the students into the lesson and made it more fun for them as
it is different than the usual learning environment done in most
schools. In one of the videos, i found that using technology really
brought the class together, it made them help each other and
learn from each other. In another video i really liked how the
students got to work with children from different grades! This
really gives the students a chance to get to know others in their
school and learn from one another. The older grades could also
attain that feeling of leadership being they could work and
possibly help others out. These videos were great because
it showed that technology never gets old and that it does not
matter what age group you have, there are always technology
lessons you could implement into your classrooms.
so teachers should always dig deeper and make there lessons with
technology, which in turn may bring more students into their lesson
because it relates to them some how, it also adds variety into your
lessons, and the students can work together and learn while having fun!

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