Monday, November 23, 2009

Throughout my practicum experience in the grade three classroom
at the riverview elementary school, i was able to see the different
technologies that the classrooms had and what the school
had provided them to share between classes or in labs. The
school is new and is just starting out, and it had many computers!
They had two pretty big labs, and i room with a big projector and
screen that can be used for all. I noticed that in the classroom i
was in, there was not much technology. They only had the one
computer in there, and the students did not use this one.
Teacher use only. For my whole time i was there in the
classroom, i found that my teacher did not use very much technology.
They only provided her class with a projector that was shared,
but my teacher had never used it and didnt know how it worked.
Therefore that was never used. I did notice that the overhead
was used a few times, and the stereo in the back of the
classroom was used everyday for singing. They were
working on a christmas concert, so that is why she had
used that. I noticed the tv and dvd player was only used
during in door recesses. Other than that my teacher did not
use any technology. I thought even without technology,
she had fun exciting lessons. She taught a lot by using the
white board and talking. She had many other things that
were brought into the lesson to make it more fun for her
students. To me, i dont believe that any technology was needed
or could have been used in her lessons, the school did not
have a lot of technology that could have been implimented.
She did it well enough without, and truthfully, i dont know
where she could fit it in. My teacher did teach the students
how to type on the computers for the first three weeks of school,
they did typing games and programs. I didn't see her utilize
this skill with the students after they had finished up learning.
I think she definitely could have got them to type more of there writing
assignments, or even make a revised, good copy on the computers.
This is what i had done for my technology lesson in the elementary
classroom. I believe that if the school/ classroom had
smart boards, my teacher could have easily implemented
that into her lessons she was teaching. This is one thing i do
believe she could have done. While i was there, they did not have
social studies and science, so the science technology could not have
been used either. Overall, my teacher did not use much technology,
and i believe that it may have been possible when she teaches all
the subjects. From my time there, i think that the computers could
have been used more.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Inside Kapunahala
This is great because it provides the students with a chance to participate in public speaking skills and learn how to use technology. Its great because it involves students from a variety of grade levels the chance to participate. Its exciting to the students because they get to speak on camera and be on t.v. for the very first time in their lives! they learn a lot about media, and each grade has something to do in this area and learn about. This is also a great way to get the students involved in the lesson because it is so much fun, and it makes it exciting for the students. Using a variety of technology really pulls the students into the lesson, and gets them to want to learn! In this media lesson, the students will still learn about all the curriculum material. Just in a more fun way.
Bookends of war
I really enjoyed watching this video. The students look really into to and excited to be working with technology! getting them to help make individual parts of the class website is a great idea to make the project feel like their own, and getting them to be responsible. Having the students work in groups for this technology assignment is also really good, in the fact that they have to work together and socialize. it was clever for the teacher to teach one student in each group how to do everything, and in turn, that student has to teach the rest of their groups. The students are eager to come to class each and everyday, and they are more willing to help others out. All the students have to collaborate together to reach the same goal, this really makes it a great learning experience. This is a great way to get all the students involved because it is something different, its fun and exciting. It is great because it is not like the usual standard class where the students have to take on exam or a test. They get graded on their effort, their progress and that they are working efficiently. Using the computers as a large part of the class, they are able to gain many skills, which may help them later on in life when they are looking for a job. They know how to work computers and different technology items.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I had really enjoyed watching these videos that were posted.
I like how they showed how technology was implemented in the
classrooms and how they always had an idea on how to
implement them into a lesson plan. The technology brought all
the students into the lesson and made it more fun for them as
it is different than the usual learning environment done in most
schools. In one of the videos, i found that using technology really
brought the class together, it made them help each other and
learn from each other. In another video i really liked how the
students got to work with children from different grades! This
really gives the students a chance to get to know others in their
school and learn from one another. The older grades could also
attain that feeling of leadership being they could work and
possibly help others out. These videos were great because
it showed that technology never gets old and that it does not
matter what age group you have, there are always technology
lessons you could implement into your classrooms.
so teachers should always dig deeper and make there lessons with
technology, which in turn may bring more students into their lesson
because it relates to them some how, it also adds variety into your
lessons, and the students can work together and learn while having fun!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My initial observations when i walked into the classroom, is that it had decent technology that most classrooms may have or start out with. It was not above and beyond with technology that it could have been, but i mean its a new school and they are just starting out. So possibly in a couple years they might get more technology in each room.
In my classroom, there is one PC computer with internet access, there are all the Microsoft office programs and one sight for the students called "imagine." There is also on overhead projector, a reading station that has headphones and a player so they can listen along as they read, there is an old T.V and VCR it may even play DVDs im not too sure what she has in that area. There is also a multi-verse projector that is shared between classrooms and a digital camera that is also shared.
The thing i was impressed with was their computer labs! They had two big computer labs in the school all with PC computers and there was about 30-35 in each lab. One even had a lab technician to work with the students on the computers.

I have completed parts 1 & 2 that were above this assignment on the website homework page. I also took the survey and filled out the information on classroom technology inventory and submitted it!