Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Physical Education 4th grade

Standard 1: students will value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and/or social interaction

Objective 1: indicate how physical activity provides an opportunity for enjoyment and self-expression.

b: choose activities that can be enjoyed alone and activities that include others.

I plan to do my virtual tour on this subject because i love sports, i have been involved in them my whole life, and i believe that all children should have a chance to learn about different sports. This way they can become more involved in physical activity, even if it is just for fun and not competitive. They should try them, and enjoy playing different kinds of sports. The only way some children that dont exercise will become encouraged is by possibly watching videos and looking at pictures, and just learning about the different sports that each country is great at! They may learn about this and think "hey i want to try this!" Watching these media items and looking at pictures will also help explain what is going on in the sport and it will be very neat to watch! It also gives them background knowledge about sports that they may never have the chance to learn about. Getting physically active is crucial to good health, and that is why i picked this topic for my virtual tour!

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content



Hockey: what do you think the objective of the game is by watching the video?

what kind of equipment do you notice them wearing? describe some.

-you tube calgary flames hockey game:

-Picture of hockey players:


Soccer: Learn techniques on how to kick a soccer ball, and try passing a ball with a partner in your class.

Go to the website: and watch the videos on th very left hand side of the website. These will show you some techniques used in soccer that you can try with your partner!


Watch a "you tube" video on a gymnastics routine. Design a competition suit that you would like to wear for your country. and things you liked about the videos.

- you tube of mens gymnastics routine:

- You Tube video of a womens floor routine:


Diving: Watch a chinese athlete dive on "you tube." Explain what you think makes a good dive, and what youn liked about it

- Youtube video of a chinese girl diving in the 2008 olympics:

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